Natore to Tangail Train Schedule and ticket price List 2025

Natore to Tangail Train Schedule and Ticket Price List, in case you don’t know which train to take to travel from Natore to Tangail and what are the travel times and ticket prices of these trains! So how to travel on this train? Natore to Tangail Train Schedule

Travelers who travel this route frequently know all the information about the Natore to Tangail Train Schedule and ticket price List, but for someone new to this route, it is very complicated to know this information. Natore to Tangail Train Schedule

If you are looking for train-related information then we follow the website and try to provide you with all train-related information.

Natore to Tangail Train Schedule and Ticket Price List

Many intercity trains run from Natore to Tangail. Due to special facilities in inter-city trains, the number of passengers is now much more than before. If you choose to travel by train, you will have an amazing journey experience.

Also, these trains have canteens where passengers can satisfy their hunger en route and travel in comfort. The interior of the train is much cleaner as compared to earlier and the toilets are also of better quality so that the passengers can travel comfortably. If you want, you can travel regularly in these intercity trains.

These inter-city trains carry passengers as per the fares set by the government. So you will travel by purchasing a train ticket as per the schedule decided by the government. Never travel by train without a ticket. Natore to Tangail Train Schedule

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Natore to Tangail Train Schedule

If you want to travel from Natore to Tangail by train then you need to know all the information about the intercity trains running on this route, so all the information about this road is presented to you.

Ekota Express (706)

Ekota Express is an intercity train. Ekota Express runs regularly on the Natore to Tangail route. Ekota Express runs seven days a week. Ekota Express Intercity train departs from Natore Railway Station at 03:12 AM and reaches Tangail Railway Station at 05:46 AM. Bangladesh Railway sells tickets in three categories for this intercity train.

Lalmoni Express (752)

Lalmoni Express is an intercity train. Lalmoni Express runs regularly on the Natore to Tangail route. Lalmoni Express runs six days a week and only on Fridays the Lalmoni Express train is closed. Lalmoni Express train departs from Natore Railway Station at 02:46 PM for Tangail and reaches Tangail at 05:50 PM. The Bangladesh Railway Ministry sells tickets for the Lalmoni Express in three categories.

Drutojan Express (758)

Drutojan Express is a long-distance inter-city train. There is a regular express service between Natore and Tangail. Bangladesh Railway Ministry has started Drutojan Express seven days a week. There is no weekly stop for this train. The express train departs from Natore Railway Station at 02:04 PM for Tangail and stops at Tangail Railway Station at 04:57 PM. Drutojan Express train is one of the best intercity trains in Bangladesh. A large number of passengers go to Dhaka from North Bengal by this train.

Neelsagar Express (766)

Neelsagar Express is one of the intercity trains of Bangladesh. Neelsagar Express intercity train runs regularly on the Natore to Tangail route. Neelsagar Express runs six days a week and Neelsagar Express train runs weekly only on Sundays. Neelsagar Express train leaves Natore for Tangail at 12:16 PM and reaches Tangail Railway Station at 3:15 PM.

Natore to Tangail train fare list

If you are traveling by Natore to Tangail train or you are a new traveler to Natore to Tangail train then you must know the fare chart. Bangladesh Railway Ministry has set the train seat-wise fare list. So you can travel by train by purchasing a ticket as per the fare list of Bangladesh Railway Ministry.

If you want to connect from Natore to Tangail by train then the Shovan chair seat ticket price has been fixed at Tk 235. The AC seat ticket price has been set at Tk 465.

A few words for travelers:

Passengers who will travel by train from Natore to Tangail need to check the schedule and fare list as per notification of the Bangladesh Railway Ministry. Of course, you should reach the railway station on time and buy train tickets online. Never travel without a ticket. Natore to Tangail Train Schedule

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